Natural deodorants don't have the best reputation. If they did, we'd all be using them already. But you will mostly just hear of them being ineffective, leaving you smelly and sweaty by the end of the day, and nobody wants that.
I have super sensitive underarms that go red and itchy as hell whenever chemicals go on them,
so I've taken to testing a couple natural deodorants so that you don't have to.
Firstly let me say, there is a difference between deodorant and anti-perspirant. Deodorant stops you smelling, anti-perspirant stops you sweating. These are deodorants, as most natural ones are. If you find a natural anti-perspirant, let me know!
I'm testing these on the following criteria:
So first up is Salt of the Earth Pure Aura Natural Deodorant for Women - £5.99

Sweat: As I said before, these are not anti-perspirants, so I wasn't expecting them to be fully sweat proof. This one was not too bad. However, I'd find that as soon as I got a bit hot, I'd start to sweat a bit. But on the general daily use it didn't fare too badly, though when I started to play Hockey... I was one sweaty bitch.
Smell: The actual scent of the deodorant is Lavender & Vanilla, which is actually pretty nice. After a normal day, the scent would go but there would be no smell. So points there. However, after a pretty intense game of Hockey, I definitely smelled. Not great, but with reapplication beforehand it would've been fine.
Longevity: This one can last the day but if you are going to be doing exercise or are about to go out, then definitely reapply and you should be grand.
Application: The application is a spray, but not like a Sure deodorant. Think more like perfume. So it is pretty wet and you have to wait for it to dry, but it feels pretty refreshing.
Sensitivity: At the start I experienced some redness and irritation, but after a week of using it went away and was absolutely fine. Nice.
Overall, I'll give it a 7/10
Next we have The Greeench from Lush - £7.95

Sweat: Dry as a bone. Literally, I did not feel sweaty at all using this one. Even after exercise, I still felt pretty fresh and dry. A nice surprise I have to say.
Smell: Hm. I wasn't too sure on this one. The scent is a combination of Thyme, Tea Tree and Sage, which is super earthy and herby. I thought I would like it, but the earthiness of it ended up being a little too close to body odour for my liking. Sometimes I couldn't tell if it was the deodorant or me that smelled a bit funky.
Longevity: As I said earlier, for sweat it was brilliant. Lasted all day without reapplication. Not so good on the smelliness front though sadly.
Application: The Greeench is a powder deodorant, meaning application could be a little awkward. I tried just using my hands and smooshing it all over my underarms at first, but decided that wasn't the best method after half of it ended up on me. I ended up using a makeup brush to apply it which worked surprisingly well.
Sensitivity: I had no reaction to this at all.
Overall, a 5/10, the application and smell brings it down. Though, I'll give it an extra half point as Lush do give out samples, meaning I had a chance to test this one before buying it.
So 5.5/10
Last but not least is PitROK Crystal - £6.59

Sweat: On a usual day it was all good, not a drop of sweat in sight. When I exercised, I noticed that I was sweating, but it was nothing like it had been with the Salt of the Earth one. It was a normal amount for someone who had been running around as much as I had.
Smell: The crystal itself doesn't really have a smell at all. But it does stop me smelling throughout the day. This was probably the most effective one at keeping me smelling clean all day, as I haven't noticed myself smelling once with this deodorant.
Longevity: This lasted pretty much all day. Both stopping smell and sweat so nice one PitROK.
Application: This is the awkward one. It says you should apply it fresh out the shower on wet and cleansed underarms. Is it just me or is that a lot of effort? I usually just ended up wetting the crystal with my hands after dipping them in water. The wetter it is, the better the application will be.
Sensitivity: I did find it to sting slightly when I first applied it, but after that it was absolutely fine. No redness, though I did find that my underarms started to get itchy throughout the day, which was pretty annoying as it was doing so well!
Overall, a solid 8/10
I'll most likely keep using PitROK Crystal and hope that the itchiness fades, but if you guys have tried any other natural deodorants then please let me know!
My poor underarms would appreciate the help.