So, I wanted to talk about the days when you don't quite feel right but can't put a finger on why. When everything seems grey and even things that would usually be fun are grey today because today is a grey day.
I'm assuming everyone has these grey days when you just feel deflated and a bit empty because for some reason, you don't know whats going on and you can't control that.
I don't really know where I'm planning on going with this, but I feel that this would be a good outlet for that. On these days, I tend to find myself feeling unmotivated and a bit useless, like nothing is quite worth the effort and all I want to do is nothing but everything at the same time. (Not ideal when you're doing a degree) I find it can be hard to explain this, as when you try to explain why you feel this way, others will tell you to go outside, get some fresh air or ask you what you want to do. But you can't respond to this because everything you would usually want to do feels grey.
Am I making sense?
I guess what I am trying to say is how to handle these days. I have managed to teach myself is that on these days when everything is *pooooooft* is to be gentle with myself. It isn't about going all out and forcing myself to do things but to just let today be a day and feel it all. It sucks, but so does blocking it out. That doesn't do anyone any good. You gotta try and let yourself feel it alllll. Even if theres not much there, let yourself sit with that and be gentle. For me, letting myself sit in the feeling I am having is the beginning to getting away from it.
I'm not going to say "Think positive thoughts" or any of that crap, because it simply doesn't work. But acknowledging how you are feeling, and what started you feeling this way can help when the next grey day comes around. You can learn to recognise your triggers and deal with them sooner, paying attention to your mind.
Over time, you will see the signs and maybe, just maybe, you will be able to say, "Not today"
Cover image by Louise Robertson.